Monday, September 27, 2010

From Graffiti to Bullying

Thanks for the gentle nudge, Anneke.  I really appreciate that you are writing at times other than when I ask you to!  I thought your presentation of Graffiti was one of the most engaging we have seen across all the PEEL presentations--something about drawings/diagrams that engages more than mere words.  I'm sorry you missed Barbara Coloroso's amazing performance, and I'm very sorry that you experienced bullying yourself for as long as 7 years.  Small wonder that you could write so insightfully and at length about the problem.
Do you know how many people are reading your blog?  It looks like you will have a very impressive documentation of your year, which is exactly what I was hoping for (even though you had the blog before I had the assignment!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting Tom!

    Physics is always more fun in pretty colours eh :) We'll see how artsy my students are on my placement, but especially if they like art, I hope we as a class can make connect most lessons to the arts in some way.

    Looking at the stats, not too many folks are reading my blog, which is alright by me. I think it's mostly myself, my boyfriend (who is a fabulous teacher!), and you. I have several friends in pre-final year con-ed, though, so perhaps as the year goes on and I get more useful posts in here, I will send them the link.
