Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winner takes all

You certainly do write winning messages, Anneke.  VERY impressive, you've thought about it from so many different angles!!
I expect there is a huge range of reactions among students--given the way you made me think of so many possibilities.  I'm sure that some are like you, but others probably cope in other ways with not winning.
My biggest reaction is that we should find a way to have competitions without medals.  Maybe for something like public speaking, we could have many different criteria and pick a different person as best on each of the many criteria but don't pick an overall winner (and, by default, a bunch of losers).
It's a complex issue because many, like you, do achieve a higher standard because of the competition.
The idea of gold, silver and bronze is pretty deeply embedded in our culture (Olympics! and elsewhere) but I'm glad that you are at least one person who is so very thoughtful about the complex issues involved!

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