Saturday, April 16, 2011

Visiting the lovely Janet!

After school, we drove out past the Canadian High Commission to a Maasai market in a mall on the other end of town. The kids went mini-putting (the mall reminded me of the west Edmunton mall in that it had a waterpark and so many great activities for kids), and Irene and I did a bit of shopping.

After dinner, we drove quickly to the airport. We were running late, so I went in to pick up my boarding pass while the Mumo's parked the car. But very unfortunately, the security is different from Canada where anyone can enter the park of the airport where people starts at the entrance to the airport, so the Mumo's couldn't come in to say good-bye. They did pass a very sweet good-bye present through security however - I book about this beautiful country signed by all four of them. They are such generous people.

Inside the airport, I hurriedly picked up my boarding pass and ran to my gate. I knew I'd be just on time, so I was walking quite quickly. I followed someone through the gate where I thought I was to board the plane, and suddenly found myself on the tarmac! I then realized that the person I was following was not a fellow passenger, but a flight attendant, and I looked around a little bewildered. As I started to walk back where I'd come from, then security found me and informed me that I wasn't allowed to be there. I nearly burst out laughing - how had no one stopped me earlier? Soon enough, I found my plane, and was on my way to Brussels. That's when I couldn't help it, and I started to cry. I missed everyone in Nairobi, everyone in Kingston, and Janet in Kettering, but I was none of those places. It was a hard plane flight.

It was quite the culture shock in Brussels as I left the warm and friendly people of Nairobi behind. I did my usual scan of the waiting area in Brussels for someone who looked a little lonely as well, and I sat down next to a lady to strike up a conversation. I did all the usual, "so, where are you from?" "are you out on vacation?" etc. She turned to me and said, "I'm not interested in conversation, thank you." Awkward silence. So I went on a hunt for someone friendly to talk to. I found a lovely lady from Nairobi waiting for her plane to visit her sister in the UK. She was on a different airline, but I decided she was worth switching gates for, so we had a very nice chat before I boarded my plane for Heathrow.

When I landed in Heathrow, everything went quickly and smoothly. I soon found the fabulous Janet, whose great smile warmed my sleepy and sad heart. We left my bags at a bag check place, and set out to explore London! We were both rather sleepy, but we had a nice time. We saw parliment, big ben, and lots of lovely architecture. We wandered through a portrait gallery, stopped for tea in a little coffee shop and participated in a service at Westminster Abbey.

And we found that we could have a pint of dad's trains!

After a nice dinner we headed home, only to discover that we'd missed the last train for Kettering. So we took the train to Bedford, wrapped up in my keekorok from the market in Nairobi because it was unexpectedly cold, and then had to get a cab home. I had a much much needed shower, and fell into bed.

The next morning, we went to Janet's lovely church, where we were happily welcomed. We picked up the goods for a delicious lunch, and had a picnic on my keekorok (who knew one keekorok could be so useful?).

We opened the delicious tea masala that I'd bought in Nairobi, and enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea. That afternoon, we went for a little run around Kettering which was a nice way to see the town. And of course finished the day with a little bit of the big bang theory... how I had missed dear Sheldon.

On monday, we took the train out to Leicester, which is a lovely city near Kettering. It was lots of fun to explore the little shops, look at all the pretty architecture, churches and art galleries, and we even got to meet two of Janet's fellow teachers for tea! Eventually, our feet were too sore to walk another step and we headed home, this time catching the train.

The next morning, I was off to Heathrow to fly home. I was welcomed by the whole family, which was so nice. And soon got my much awaited hug from my favourite Kelsea :) It was worth coming home after all ;)

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