Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Impending Good-byes

I'm trying so hard to imagine that I have more than two short days left at Brookhouse - I really don't like good-byes. I'm going to miss all the little ones in year one and reception who give me the best clump hugs. I'll miss my little year one boy who has autism and gives me the biggest smiles when I walk into his classroom, reaches up so sweetly for my hand, and teaches me how to jump over cracks. I'm going to miss my year 4 boy with down's who is always excited to help teach his class. And I'll miss my students from out-of-class learning support who throw themselves 100% into my ridiculous literacy games and drawings and don't give up even when when I give them tough material. I'm really going to miss all the wonderful teachers who welcomed me so kindly to Brookhouse. Everyone made me feel so at home in such a different school than I'm used to.

I'm especially going to miss Irene, Mumo, Mwema and Jayna. I couldn't have stayed with a kinder family.
 Irene and Mumo have bent over backwards to welcome me and show me their lovely country. They've taught me so much about the culture, and even encouraged my feeble kiswahili attempts. They've also really encouraged me in my faith - they are such wise Christians, and I've learned so much from watching how they live their life following Christ even in the short time I've stayed with them.

I'm really going to miss Jayna's perpetual laughter about everything she sees. She is such a fun bright and sweet girl. It was so great to cheer her on at the swimming gala today - she was the only competitor that had a huge smile on her face the whole time she was swimming.
I'm very much going to miss Mwema's inquisitive mind and quiet sense of humour. I really think that Mwema must be related to me and Dave - he reminds me so much of Dave and I as kids. He has a "torch" (flashlight) collection, not for the purpose of using the torches, but for the purpose of taking them all apart and figuring out how they work. He's constantly exploring and finding out what happens if... He also loves art, and learns so fast - he's truly the ideal student - he's creative, bright, inquisitive and loves to learn. It will be so hard to say good-bye to such a wonderful family - it makes me sad already.

But at the same time, I also miss my wonderful Kels, my fabulous family, lovely housemates, and my dear friends at home in Canada and Janet in the UK too. I wish we could shrink the world a little more and see all these wonderful people often. I feel like my heart is stretched across the ocean and it's a bit sore from the stretching.

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